Recurrent Para Testicular Rhabdomyosarcoma A Case Report
A Case Report
Para-testicular rhabdomyosarcoma,Radical orchiectomy,Chemotherapy,UltrasonographyAbstract
Background: Para-testicular RMS is not frequently reported and originates from the stromal tissues of the spermatic cord, epididymis, testis and tunica. It is a very uncommon feature in RMS and may be seen in a small percentage of patients and most often in children. At times the diagnosis may pose as a problem and physical examination may be inadequate at which time ultrasonography comes in handy. The main form of management is surgical through radical orchiectomy and the medical form is through Actinomycin D, vincristine and cyclophosphamide and very rarely radiotherapy.
Keywords: Para-testicular rhabdomyosarcoma,Radical orchiectomy,Chemotherapy,Ultrasonography