Anterior Urethrocutaneous Fistula Congenital With Chordee: A Case Report

A Case Report


  • Anum Ansari
  • Naresh Kumar Valecha
  • Shahzad Ali



Congenital  Urethrocutaneous fistula ,Chordee Urethroplasty


Background:  Congenital anterior urethrocutaneous fistula is a rare genitourinary anomaly that poses diagnostic and therapeutic challenges. CSP can be presented as an isolated condition or associated with other genitourinary anomalies, such as hypospadias and chordee, which may confusing either the clinical evaluation and management.

Objective: to find the  congenital variant chordee with anterior urethrocutaneous fistula and review the literature for its etiology and surgical management.

Study design: A case repot

Palce and duration of study : department of urology  Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Center, Karachi, Pakistan from jan 2022 to jan 2023

Methods: A comprehensive literature review was performed to collect information about the etiology and surgical management of a congenital anterior urethrocutaneous fistula, especially with respect to chordee variants. Here, we present a case of 14 year old boy with this condition detailing the diagnostic pathway as well as surgical intervention and postoperative outcome.

Results: Congenital anterior urethrocutaneous fistula is a rare entity and only 67 cases had been reported worldwide. It may be an isolated anomaly or may exist along with other conditions such as hypospadias and chordee. Case presentationA 14 year-old boy who presented with chordee was diagnosed as having this rare condition. The chordee did not prevent the surgical correction and urethroplasty with good postoperative results. The patient was observed in outpatient clinic and has normal looking urine.

Keywords: Congenital  Urethrocutaneous fistula ,Chordee Urethroplasty




How to Cite

Anum Ansari, Naresh Kumar Valecha, & Shahzad Ali. (2024). Anterior Urethrocutaneous Fistula Congenital With Chordee: A Case Report : A Case Report. Pakistan Journal of Urology (PJU), 2(01), 99–103.