President PAUS (PJU)


  • Mohammad Ayaz Khan Consultant Urologist Shifa International Hospitals, Islamabad – Pakistan President Pakistan Association of Urological Surgeons (PAUS)




Desk Of President PAUS (PJU)


I feel honored and fortunate for being chosen as the president PAUS during the
time when our Pakistan Journal of Urology was to be born. It has been for a
number of years now that I have seen few faces struggling to nurture this concept
of having our own journal of Urology. One such Hercules is none other but our
Prof. Dr. Liaqat Ali. He is truly the person who made this possible and blessed us
with this identity which will be a testimony to our dedication. This journal will
portray the newer techniques and will be an answer to the emerging queries in
Urology. Clinical without academics are like flowers with no fragrance. This was a
core demand to have a journal which endorses only Urology. But there is no end
to wisdom thereby, this Journal will welcome a diverse number of physicians and
surgeons and will help them when they are keen to dive in a multidisciplinary
approach to manage their patients. A man who wants to climb a ladder does focus
on the destination above but can’t climb with hands in his pockets. We all do aim
high but their are few who achieve those aims by flying high. I dedicate this first
volume to those people who surely can be labelled as the pioneers of Pakistan
Journal of Urology.
Copyright 2023 - All rights reserved by Pakistan Journal of Urology
Publisher: Institute of Kidney Diseases and Pakistan Association of Urological




How to Cite

Khan, M. A. (2023). M E S S A G E: President PAUS (PJU). Pakistan Journal of Urology (PJU), 1(01), XX-XXX. https://doi.org/10.69885/pju.v1i01.13