From Desk of Chief Editor (PJU)


  • Liaqat Ali MBBS, FCPS (Urology) MHPE (Scholar) Professor of Urology Institute of Kidney Diseases Hayatabad Medical Complex , Khyber Girls Medical College Peshawar




From Desk of Chief Editor (PJU)

Rome was not built in a day. There is a list of endeavors and struggles behind every coronation. So is
true for our most awaited. Pakistan Journal of Urology which stands as a crown prince today, ever ready to rule. There are various known journals for general surgery but the world of medicine is stepping towards specialties. There was a dire need for a dedicated Journal in the field of Urology. The objective was to focus on myths and facts related to Urology on a single platform. It will stand as a strong pillar to enhance the extravagant efforts made by the researchers and will serve as an easy and readily available tool for the researchers. It will be labelled as an identity for the emerging urologists; a medium through which young energetic urologists can convey their messages and concepts via their research proposals. This budding Journal is a step towards improving the academics and will play an imminent role in attracting the clinicians to come forward with novel ideas. In near future, this Journal is expected to stand as the best journal of Urology with surmounted International recognition. This journal is a dream come true, a miracle turned into reality, a peak which is summit, a student who graduates, a book with covers, a feather added to our hat and a star added to our shoulders. We have tried our level best to edit and publish short listed articles in the very first volume and are verily destined to improve in the upcoming editions.




How to Cite

Ali , L. (2023). E D I T O R I A L: From Desk of Chief Editor (PJU). Pakistan Journal of Urology (PJU), 1(01), XX-XX. https://doi.org/10.69885/pju.v1i01.11